Sino Tax 美国信诺税务事务所
Sino Tax 美国信诺税务事务所
Business Tax Organizer
订单号 (Order#)
服务项目 (Ordered Service)
Basic Company Information
公司名字 (Business Name)
公司EIN号码 (Business EIN#)
公司的报税类型 (Business Structure for Tax Purpose)
C CORP (公司名字一般以 Inc, Corp 等结尾)
LLC (公司名字一般以 LLC 等结尾)
S CORP (S 类公司 – 如果没有申请过S CORP,或是外国股东,一般不是 S CORP)
公司地址 (Business Address)
公司电话 (Business Phone)
公司 Email (Business Email)
多少个股东/成员?(How many shareholders/members)
公司的主营业务是什么?(What is the company’s main business?)
联系微信 (WeChat)
截至纳税年度结束时,公司的总资产是多少(美元)?As of the end of the tax year, what is the company’s total assets (in dollars)?
有没有外国股东/成员 (不是美国公民、绿卡、税务居民都属于外国股东/成员)? Are there any foreign shareholders/members (anyone who is Not a U.S. citizen, green card holder, or tax resident is considered a foreign shareholder/member)
有 / Yes
没有 / No
在这个纳税年度,公司与相关方或外国股东之间有没有任何可报告的交易需要申报?(例如: 股东借钱给公司,公司借钱给股东或者其他公司与相关方/外国股东之间的交易等)In this tax year, are there any reportable transactions between the company and related parties or foreign shareholders that need to be reported? (For example: shareholders lending money to the company, the company lending money to shareholders, or other transactions between the company and related parties/foreign shareholders, etc.)
有 / Yes
没有 / No
根据上述回答,请详细列出公司与相关方或外国股东之间所有需要申报的可报告交易及其金额。。Based on the above response, please provide a detailed list of all reportable transactions between the company and related parties or foreign shareholders that need to be reported, along with their amounts.
公司在本年度是否曾发放或需要发放1099表格?Has the company issued or is it required to issue any 1099 forms during this year?
有 / Yes
没有 / No
是不是第一年报税?Is this the first year filing taxes
是 / Yes
不是 / No
请上传上一年的税单 Please upload last year’s tax return
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Shareholder/Member Information
股东/成员信息 (不是美国公民、绿卡、税务居民都属于外国股东/成员) Shareholder/Member Information (Those who are not U.S. citizens, green card holders, or tax residents are considered foreign shareholders/members)
上传ID (例如身份证,护照,驾照,等)Upload ID (such as ID card, passport, driver’s license, etc.)
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Business Income/Expenses
公司有没有财务报表 (Does the company have financial statements?)
有 / Yes
没有 / No
请上传财务报表 (Please upload the financial statements)
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All Business Income
销售总收入 (Total Sales Revenue)
利息总收入 (Total Interest Income)
租金总收入 (Total Rental Income)
其他收入 (Other Income)
All Business Expenses
期初存货 (Beginning Inventory)
"期初存货"是指在税年开始时可供销售的存货价值。"Beginning inventory" refers to the value of inventory available for sale at the start of the tax year.
采购货物金额 (Purchased Inventory)
"采购金额"是指公司在一年内为获取存货或商品所发生的总成本。"Purchased Inventory" refers to the total cost incurred by a company to acquire inventory or goods over the course of a year.
期末存货 (Ending inventory)
"期末存货"是指一年结束时剩下的未售出商品的价值。"Ending inventory" refers to the value of unsold goods remaining at the end of the year.
成立公司费用 (Organization Cost)
工资 (Wages)
工资税 (Payroll Tax)
维修与维护 (Repairs and maintenance)
租金 (Rents)
利息开销 (Interest)
广告费 (Advertising)
办公室用品 (Office Supplies)
会计费 (Accounting )
银行费用 (Bank Charges)
电话费 (Phone Bill)
网费 (Internet)
保险开销 (Insurance)
佣金 (Commission)
运费 (Shipping)
有没有购买资产? (例如电脑,打印机,办公桌子等资产)Have you purchased any assets? (For example, computers, printers, desks, etc.)
有 / Yes
没有 / No
资产折旧 / Depreciation of assets
礼物 (Gift)
汽车花费 (Auto Expenses)
在该纳税年度中,上述的礼物是否每位客人超过了25美元?In the tax year, did the value of the gifts mentioned above exceed $25 USD per recipient?
有 / Yes
没有 / No
你在上面填写了“汽车花费”,该汽车的产权是登记在公司名下,还是个人名下? You have listed “Auto expenses” above. Is the car owned by company’s name or an individual’s name?
公司 / Company
个人 / Individual
请提供总里程(mileage) 用于商业的目的。 Please provide the total mileage used for business purposes.
其他开销 (Other Expenses)
如果公司需要缴税,您希望选择哪种缴纳方式?If there is any business tax due, which method would you prefer to use for payment?
自行缴纳 Pay by yourself
提供银行信息授权税务局自动从银行账户扣除 Provide bank information to authorize the tax authorities to automatically deduct the payment from the bank account.
不确定 Not sure
银行路由号码 Bank Routing Number
银行账户号码 Bank Account Number
备注 Notes
Authorization Agreement / 授权协议
输入表格提交人的名字作为电子签名 (Enter the name of the person submitting the form as an electronic signature)
名 First Name
姓 Last Name
签名日期 Signature Date
月/日/年 (MM/DD/YYYY)
提交 / Submit
Should be Empty:
注册公司 $138+
公司报税 $150+
个人报税 $68+