以下是各州公司的Annual Report 一般费用信息,仅供参考使用 (实际的费用以及相关规定都以各个州的官方为准)。
如果你选择我们为贵公司申报税务,我们可以免费协助你进行申报Annual Report,但你仍需支付政府的费用。(如果贵公司需要协助进行申报Annual Report,需要联系我们因为我们不会自动为贵公司申报Annual Report)。
州名 | LLC Annual Report Fee/ 年度报告费 | Corporation Annual Report/年度报告费 | 备注 |
Alabama | $100 minimum | $100 minimum | |
Alaska | $100 | $100 | |
Arizona | $0 | $45 | |
Arkansas | $150 | $150 minimum | |
California | $20 | $25 | 只要在加州成立公司做生意,不论是否亏钱或者没有营运都需要每年交至少$800的专营税(Franchise Tax Fee) |
Colorado | $10 | $10 | |
Connecticut | $80 | $150 | |
District of Columbia | $300 | $300 | |
Delaware | $300 | minimum $225 | |
Florida | $138.75 | $150 | |
Georgia | $50 | $50 | 所显示的价格为网上提交表格的费用 |
Hawaii | $15 | $15 | |
Idaho | $0 | $0 | |
Illinois | $75 | $75 plus franchise tax | |
Indiana | $32 | $32 | 所显示的价格为网上提交表格的费用 |
Iowa | $45 | $60 | |
Kansas | $55 | $55 | |
Kentucky | $15 | $15 | |
Louisiana | $30 | $30 | |
Maine | $85 | $85 | |
Maryland | minimum $300 | minimum $300 | |
Massachusetts | $520 | $135 | |
Michigan | $25 | $25 | |
Minnesota | $0 | $0 | |
Mississippi | $25 | $25 | |
Missouri | $0 | $45 | |
Montana | 15 左右 | 15 左右 | |
Nebraska | $26 | $26 minimum | |
Nevada | $150 | $150 minimum | 营业执照在内华达州是必须的,费用约为500美金。并且所有营业执照必须每年更新一次,DBA和LLCs的更新费用为200美金,Corporations则为500美金。 |
New Hampshire | $100 | 100 | 在线提交将额外收取2美元的费用。 |
New Jersey | $75 | $75 | |
New Mexico | $0 | $25 | |
New York | $9 | $9 | |
North Carolina | $203 | $20 | |
North Dakota | $50 | $25 | |
Ohio | $0 | $0 | |
Oklahoma | $25 | Varies* | |
Oregon | $100 | $100 | |
Pennsylvania | $70/10年 | $70/10年 | 政策在将来有变化 |
Rhode Island | $150 | $150 | |
South Carolina | $0 | $0 | |
South Dakota | $50 | $50 | |
Tennessee | 300** | 20* | All business entities that file online will be charged an additional $0.95 service fee for payments made by e-check OR 2.29% of the total amount due for credit cards. (使用电子支票支付,需额外缴费 $0.95, 使用信用卡需额外缴费 2.29% ) The minimum filing fee for LLCs is $300. If your LLC has more than 6 members, you must add $50 for each additional member. So, if your LLC has 8 members, then your total filing fee would be $400. The maximum fee is $3,000. (LLC 的最低申请费为 300 美元。 如果您的 LLC 成员超过 6 名,您必须为每增加一名成员增加 50 美元。 因此,如果您的 LLC 有 8 名成员,那么您的总申请费将为 400 美元。 最高费用为 3,000 美元。) |
Texas | Based on gross annual revenue 基于年总收入 | Based on gross annual revenue 基于年总收入 | |
Utah | $18 | $18 | |
Vermont | $35 | $45 | |
Virginia | $50 | Varies* | *The annual registration fee for corporations is based on the total number of authorized shares. (公司的年度注册费是根据授权股份总数计算的)。 |
Washington | $73 | $73 | |
West Virginia | $25 | $25 | |
Wisconsin | $25 | $25 | |
Wyoming | 60* | 60* | *Wyoming assesses a minimum $2 processing fee for online filings. |
3) Annual Report 与公司报税并非相同的项目 (提交了公司的Annual Report,你仍然是需要按照规定申报税务的)
4)显示0费用的,并非不需要申报 Annual Report,你可能仍然需要申报。
免责声明: 信息仅供一般信息目的。在任何情况下,本文的内容都不应被视为投资、业务、法律或税务建议。对于根据本文做出的个人决定,我们概不负责,并强烈建议在采取任何行动之前进行相关的研究。